The US Benefits Most From a Stalemate In Ukraine (Not a Victory)

Keep an eye on how the US approaches any future peace talks with this fact in mind

Grant Piper
7 min readMay 17, 2022
Photo by Levi Meir Clancy on Unsplash

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about victory in Ukraine. Military planners at NATO see a path forward in which Ukraine defeats Russia in the ongoing military conflict that has been simmering since 2014. The news has elated the public who has been vocally rooting for Ukraine since the war entered this widescale phase earlier this year. While victory still feels like a lofty goal it is the outcome that many people are hoping for. However, a victory for Ukraine is not the most advantageous outcome for the United States.

How can that be? Isn’t Russia losing the best outcome for NATO and the United States?

As callous as it sounds, a victory for Ukraine would be the second-worst outcome to a swift Russian victory. The most optimal outcome for the United States is a long and grinding stalemate in eastern Ukraine that pins down Russia in an endless war.

Since a stalemate is the best outcome look for the United States to take a hardline in any upcoming peace negotiations. The US and NATO are going to claim that Ukraine should cede no territory to Russia and that they should fight until the battle is won. Any ceasefire is…



Grant Piper

Professional writer. Amateur historian. Husband, father, Christian.