The Three Sacred Treasures Of Japan

Sacred relics that may or may not exist

Grant Piper
5 min readDec 24, 2022
(Public domain)

Japan is home to the oldest unbroken monarchy in the world. The Japanese imperial throne, history, and traditions are steeped in centuries of mythology and tradition. The monarchy was so important to Japan that they fought to the bitter end during World War II to ensure that the emperor escaped prosecution and remained enthroned for the Japanese people.

One part of the Japanese monarchy that is still shrouded in mystery is the three sacred treasures. For hundreds of years, these mystical objects have been a part of the Japanese imperial tradition. They are stored in secret locations at major shrines across the country. During a new ascension ceremony, when a new emperor is crowned, the relics are brought together in secrecy to be present. The relics are never visible to the public, which has caused some to believe that they do not exist at all.

These are the three sacred relics of Japan. They are secret, ancient, mystical, and powerful.

The Legendary Sword Kusanagi no Tsurugi

(Public domain)



Grant Piper
Grant Piper

Written by Grant Piper

Professional writer. Amateur historian. Husband, father, Christian.

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