Member-only story
The Extraordinary Tale of the Green Children From Woolpit
Other worldly visitors or simply malnourished?
An extraordinary thing happened around the harvest in the year 1150. Two children were found lost and alone in a field. That in and of itself was not so strange, this sort of thing happened often in those days. What was extremely odd was that the children were green, spoke no tongue of the land they were found in and were wearing foreign garb. This caused quite the stir. What unfolded next became known as the “strange and prodigious” event of the green children of Woolpit.
Two things are certain from the various accounts that emerged from this incident. One, the children were in fact green. Two, the children were indeed very foreign.
The incident has raised questions about whether or not the children were paranormal or simply malnourished refugees. Either way, the account is quite odd.
The children were found in the village of Woolspit in England during the reign of King Stephen. The name has nothing to do with wool but rather is derived from Old English meaning Wolf’s Pit. The town was home to a series of old traps designed to keep wolves from invading and stealing livestock.