Four Reasons Why The US Loses In A War With China

A nightmare situation for the United States

Grant Piper
6 min readJan 12, 2024
(Public domain)

Military planners, politicians, and armchair generals are all focused on a potential war between China and the United States. Geopolitics demands that a challenger arise and press the United States for a position on the top of the global mountaintop. Right now, it looks like that challenger will be China. China has a long list of grievances against the United States, including an oppressive containment policy that sees China completely ringed by US allies. China also has its eyes on the breakaway province of Taiwan, which the US is committed to defending. This has set off a large number of reports, hand wringing and theorizing about such a conflict. Would the United States win?

If a war broke out tomorrow between China and the United States, the US would be in a precarious position. The advantages they used to have on the global stage are no longer as pronounced as they once were and there is a good chance the US would lose to China in a war in the South China Sea. Here are four reasons why the US could lose the next war to China if things do not change.

1) Ship Building Capacity

China’s ship building capacity far outstrips that of the United States. In a recent report, it was found that China…



Grant Piper

Professional writer. Amateur historian. Husband, father, Christian.